Lectures and Workshops

For a full press kit, list of lectures and workshops taught/ facilitated and for information on bringing “Ungrateful Daughter” to your university, school, or group please email LisaMarie directly.


“Writing Ghosts, Revealing the Unknown” a creative Writing Workshop”

“Adoption, My Voice, My Body: A Writing Workshop”

Do you have a story you have been wanting to tell? Something you have been struggling with? Something to celebrate? Do you have a memory you would like to start writing down? This is an excellent workshop for both those who will for the first time be trying to consider how adoption has impacted their life and for those who have spent a lot of time considering their relationship to adoption.

This is also a workshop for both experienced writers and those who have no writing experience. We will work from “where you are” to explore your stories.


Transracial / International Adoption, Race and Identity Workshops

Adult Adoptee Panel I (2 hours) – Day 1 of this workshop/ discussion group will push you to explore the sometimes painful and challenging lived experiences your child may encounter as a transracial /international adoptee.  Explore issues of racial identity, racism, gender and adoption in a safe space. Hear from and engage in discussion with a panel of same-race, and transracially adopted adult experts. Please plan to attend both sessions.

Adult Adoptee Panel II (2 hours) – Day 2 of this workshop/ discussion group will continue the discussions on racial identity, racism, gender and adoption from the previous week, focusing on problem solving for your family. We will co-share knowledge with other parents who have adopted children across race. Hear from and engage in discussion with a panel of same-race, and transracially / internationally adopted adult experts. Please plan to attend both sessions.

TRA Parenting the Multiracial child (3 hours) – So you’ve adopted a multiracial child? This workshop will be an interactive discussion focusing on how you as parents can best support your multiracial adopted child / youth. We will spend time discussing the very real distinctions between a multiracial identity and multiracial adoptee identity and the social and political implications for your choices as a parent.

TRA Parenting and Creating our Community (3 hours) – This workshop continues the conversations in the series to get specific in thinking about your family community and the community you live in. Does your family community and your larger community reflect and mirror the diversity of your immediate family? What is the work you need to do as a parent to find support within the racial and cultural communities your children also belong within? In this session we will talk specifically about the life long responsibilities of being a anti-racist ally to your child.


Film Screenings followed by facilitated discussion (also can facilitate discussion on a film of your choosing)

– Off and Running (PBS)

– LIVING ADOPTION: GAY PARENTS SPEAK (PhotoSynthesis Productions)

– Issues in Transracial Adoption (PhotoSynthesis)


For a full press kit or list of lectures and workshops taught/ facilitated, please email Lisa Marie directly.